Welcome to Hudson Valley Knits!
Leftie Shawl with Miss Babs Yummy in Slate and Joan of Arc colors
Glam Lamb by Steven West using Debbie Bliss Roma
Hornet’s Honey socks using Kauni Wool Green and Multi.
Vanilla Socks with Crazy Zauerball
Stash Enhancement
Hedgehog Fibers Sock Yarn Monsoon and Inferno
Yarn Fairy Apple Blossem color way Kit for Donna Druchunas’ Summer 2015 “Fairy’s In My Garden MKAL which starts July 1. 100% Superwash Marino
Spin Knit Farm Bag and Batt
Mother Earth Puni’s by On The Round 100% New Zeland wool Finished the Teal color and started the deep red
Loop Batt colorway “Subtle” Merino, Bamboo and Tussah Silk on the Hansen Mini Spinner
Highland Handmades SW Merino Silk Braid Winter Wheat color, now a 2 ply soon to be a hat :)
Gormet Stash Steller Top in colorway “The Great Gatsby” Ice dyed and magnificent. Super wash Merino and Stella. 2ply
The great Chevron pattern I mentioned is Outline by Beata Jezek and is free!
The fantastic Fiber Artist from our Knitting Guild meeting is Anna Upston and you can check out her website, Maupston Design Studio